I got the opportunity to speak at the Dell Tech Center Users Group today. They even let me pick the topic. So I wanted something that would be really interesting and exciting. I ended up picking a topic that I love to talk about - NUMA Performance.
The only problem was that I needed a way to make it exciting. I basically covered a lot the same information that I covered in my earlier blog post on this topic. This included how effective vSphere is with managing VMs with respect to NUMA and how vSphere 5 has vNUMA so that even large monster VMs can benefit from NUMA.
While that was pretty exciting, I added a section at the end where I covered two specific case studies. These were examples of how I had used NUMA and vNUMA to reach excellent performance with an SAP workload and a large Oracle RAC workload.
Again, I felt that this was pretty exciting stuff. But something was missing. And then I had it. Just say it in the title of the talk - Exciting NUMA Performance Information: TechTalk and Discussion.
It was a fun talk and I even got a few questions along the way. Thanks to everybody who came out.
Running on Isla Mujeres Again
11 years ago